Saturday, December 26, 2015

Pattern Review: ZiggyZag Vixen Slouch Hat

Let's face it- 12 Days of Star Wars was a bit of a flop. Just too many things going on. Every once in a while it is important to take a deep breath and lessen the stress. 12 Days of Star Wars had to go. But don't worry! I will bring it back. Maybe a build up for May 4th for Star Wars day?!

I feel like I am swimming in yarn. Somehow I always imagined it would be a much more enjoyable experience. I have Christmas presents to make and a massive scarf custom order (10+ scarves!) to finish. I am happy to report that the scarves are finished (read about it here). Now it's just finishing up Christmas gifts. But enough chatter, time for pictures and sharing!

I would like to introduce the ZiggyZag Vixen Slouch hat by designer Faith Holbrook. I originally snagged this pattern when she posted her rough draft version on a Facebook crochet page. I haven't yet bought the paid pattern but I imagine it could only be better than the original! I highly recommend it.

The first version I tried out was for a Christmas gift for my friend Kelli. I wanted to incorporate the colors from a pair of gloves and socks I got her as part of a sledding themed gift. I think it turned out pretty well!

It ended up being a little slouchier than I prefer, so subsequent versions I shortened a little. I removed a couple rows of v-stitch and a a row or so on the brim. These two were for my nieces who are pre-teen/ teen (holy crap when did that happen?!) so I didn't want them too large.

This was also the perfect excuse to get the smaller pom pom makers since I'm not sure how "cool" big fluffy pom poms are these days.

This hat is really fun to make! It's simple and you don't have to worry about constantly counting stitches, so it works up fast. Which is exactly why I decided to make one for myself. All this snow has me in the mood for sledding. A bright and festive hat is a must!

What do you think? Which color combo is your favorite or what color combo would you like to see? I hope you are enjoying the holidays and staying warm (at least for me!)

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