Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Two Cent and Yay or Nay Tuesday #2: Thanksgiving Edition

After my most recent post (and first!) in this series, the verdict is still out on what the title should be. Keep voting, spread the word.

Today's post of course has to be Thanksgiving themed. I am a firm believer in Thanksgiving. It's a little funny that every year it gets more and more difficult. What do I mean? I mean I saw all things Halloween AND Thanksgiving on 70% off clearance at Michaels a few days before Halloween. I was totally shocked. Then I started wracking my brain to see if there was anything I needed since it was apparent that this was my last chance, even with the holiday being a month away.

Here I am with my little blog to keep the Thanksgiving spirit alive! A couple years ago I saw a knitted version of this hat making the rounds on Pinterest. I remember being completely enamored with it as I was perfectly fit over a cute little baby noggin.

You can imagine my excitement when my friend posted this on my Facebook wall.
A crocheted version of the turkey hat!

What are your two cents? Yay or nay? Pick one:

a) I would pay money for this. 
b) I would make this myself. 
c) I would take this if it was free! 
d) No. 

My thoughts:
Yay! I love it. I don't know that I would wear it around all day Thanksgiving. But I think it is a funny novelty hat and I can definitely see everyone taking turns with it for selfies. I especially like it for babies because babies look so cute in hats (why is that btw?). 

Happy Thanksgiving! 
Turkey hats or not I hope you enjoy your holiday. 

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