Sunday, January 17, 2016

Quilted Headboard {Free Tutorial}

A long time ago in the far far galaxy of my mind, I came up with this idea to make a headboard for my bed. Traditional headboards never seem to work well and I wanted something simple, lightweight, and pack-able since I seem to move about once a year.

I love my comforter just as much as when I first got it 4 years ago. Comforters for some reason or another are always an investment, so I figure this one isn't going anywhere soon. The one "issue" I have with it is that the predominant color is that off-white/ cream color. There isn't enough orange and brown and green and yellow. I am a person who needs her color, so I thought a headboard would be the perfect addition to bring color and decoration to my boring walls.

I found this semi-tutorial on Pinterest (which apparently and sadly is now a private blog). It seemed simple enough and my dad is the master craftsman so I knew he would be happy to help me out.

Honestly, he was just excited to have the excuse to possibly get a new tool. See above photo of him cruising the "Tool World" section of Lowe's. 

Back at home we made quick work of putting together a frame. We figured 64" x 35" would be good. My dad made sure that the top piece was a nice thick piece of oak and we even put flat planks on the front to square it up and provide a little more stability. Particularly for the front where there would be the most wear and tear (read: me thrashing and throwing pillows in the night). 

Gathering fabrics has been quite the process. I started with some some scraps and it slowly evolved and became more sophisticated. Here is one of the first renditions with my comforter below to try and match the colors. 

And yet another, with the more-portable pillow sham.

I finally started nailing down a pattern when Jen revolutionized my life with the suggestion to put some stripes horizontal.

It was a bold move. And one that paid off!

I am not a quilter. Heaven help us all I am not. I'm not even a sewer really. Most of this project was spent fighting with my machine because the bobbin tension was off. But I got it to work and eventually pieced together this beauty!

Once again: I have never pieced together a project like this! So I am really proud with the way it turned out.

After getting that all ironed out (literally). I went ahead an staple-gun-palooza'd the batting to the frame. Then oh so carefully started stapling the fabric piece on top. It might be possible that I have never not breathed for so long. I was just waiting for something to go wrong- but it looked great!

The big reveal of the finished product is the whole reason I create. I could feel a huge grin sweep over my face. I made that! I brain-engineered it! I love the feeling of satisfaction I get when I plan, execute, and finish projects.

Ta-da! New headboard!

If you have any questions about the project feel free to contact me! What colors would you pick for your headboard?

EDITED TO ADD: The headboard has been up for 3 months now and it holding up great! A big project but great "pay-off."